Like humans, the cat emits flatulence, but these are normally discreet, emitting neither noise nor smell. As a result, when a tomcat farts in a loud and smelly way, one can wonder. If, in most cases, it is digestive disorders related to temporary food disturbances, these “abnormal” farts can hide an illness. Let’s discover together the possible causes of flatulence in our little felines, the circumstances in which it is best to consult the veterinarian and the solutions to put in place to remedy it.
My cat farts: why? What are the possible causes of his flatulence?
You should know that the cat emits normal flatulence, but it is generally discreet, being little or not sound and emitting little or no odor. As a result, when the cat is repeatedly and audibly farting and expelling foul-smelling gas, there may be cause for concern. Indeed, a digestive disorder is probably at work in your little companion.
The causes of flatulence in cats are multiple. It could be :
- A Badly Dosed Diet Distributed In Too Large Quantities;
- Portions Ingested Too Quickly, Causing Swallowing Of Air;
- Foods That Are Too Fatty, Too Sweet, Too Salty;
- Foods That Are Difficult To Digest (Dairy Products, Etc.) And That Cause Flatulence (Cabbage, Etc.);
- Poor Quality Industrial Food (Cheap Croquettes);
- A Diet Not Adapted To The Age Or Profile Of The Cat;
- The Consequences Of Changing Food Too Quickly Or Of Introducing A New, Poorly Tolerated Food;
- Intolerance Or Allergy To A Particular Food;
- A Situation Of Significant Overweight Or Obesity Which Hinders The Smooth Running Of Intestinal Transit;
- Ingestion Of Hair That Forms A Ball That The Animal Is Unable To Expel And Which Irritates The Digestive Tract;
- Of A Situation Of Stress And Anxiety In The Cat, Causing A Disturbance Of The Digestive System.
My cat is farting: should I be worried?
If you notice that your cat is emitting more sound and odorous flatulence, it is recommended that you first ask yourself about the multiple causes cited in order to identify which one(s) may be the cause. In this case, several solutions can be put in place for a quick return to good digestion.
Nevertheless, it is best to consult the veterinarian if your little feline’s flatulence is associated with other symptoms:
- vomitings,
- diarrhea,
- constipation,
- abdominal pain,
- a hardening of the belly,
- gurgling and other gastric sounds,
- a state of tiredness,
- a loss of appetite.
If you notice one or more of these clinical signs, talk to your veterinarian quickly, because gas can be symptoms of a disease that must be taken care of. Indeed, an excess of Cat Farts is not to be taken lightly, because your animal can suffer from serious pathologies such as liver failure, chronic bowel disease (IBD), recurrent gastritis or even a giardiasis or giardiasis, an intestinal parasitic disease.
My cat farts: how to solve the problem?
Remember that if your cat’s sound and smell flatulence is associated with other symptoms, it is recommended to consult the veterinarian in order to identify the possible disease in question and to put in place a suitable treatment quickly.
If, on the other hand, your cat’s farts seem harmless or do not appear to be associated with other clinical signs, it is nevertheless necessary to help him to stop them as soon as possible in order to prevent these digestive disorders from causing more serious ailments.
Here are the little things you can do to best support him and reduce flatulence.
Offer your cat a quality, healthy and well-balanced diet sold at the veterinarian or in a specialized pet store. It must be well adapted to its profile to properly cover its nutritional needs. These foods are more expensive to buy, but they are more satiating, which allows the cat to consume less of them and they are healthier, which reduces your expenditure on veterinary care. A healthy tomcat at a lower cost, it’s worth it!
Reduce your cat’s portion gradually to help him regain a normal appetite with a daily ration adapted to his real needs. Avoid reducing too quickly so that the cat does not feel hungry and eats its portions even more quickly and greedily.
You can offer your pet a bowl that helps him eat more slowly, such as anti-glutton bowls or labyrinth bowls.
Avoid gas-producing foods, table scraps and sweets. This is not suitable for the diet of our little felines.
Brush your cat regularly to remove as much dead hair as possible. This will prevent him from ingesting them and reduce the intestinal disorders that result.
If your pet is overweight or obese, get help from your veterinarian to set up a suitable diet and encourage him to exert himself so that he loses this excess weight that is harmful to his health and well-being.
Make sure to avoid all possible sources of stress, especially those related to meals. If there are other animals in the house, make sure your cat has its own bowl and can eat its own ration serenely and calmly, without having to share it or worry about it being stolen.
In a few days, your little cat’s flatulence should lessen and then fade. If this is not the case, consult your veterinarian, but do not implement any treatment or home remedy, as you could aggravate the situation or even intoxicate your little companion.
At the same time, and depending on the cause of flatulence and its duration, it may be necessary to implement a treatment solution based on products suitable for cats. Only your veterinarian can put them in place, with dosages respectful of our little kitties. When the practitioner has identified the cause, he can offer you one of the following solutions:
probiotics to promote the development of bacteria and allow the cat’s intestinal microbiota to regain balance; activated charcoal to help the animal expel its gases, but without excess so as not to constipate it.